
Medium sized catfishes swimming in their earth pond at St Mosco Feed Nation Fisheries

The big sized catfishes swimming in their earth pond at St Mosco Feed Nation Fisheries

Medium sized catfishes swimming and drinking water in their earth pond St Mosco Fisheries

Feeding of medium sized catfishes in their earth pond at St Mosco Fisheries

Feeding of medium sized catfishes in their earth pond at St Mosco Feed Nation Fisheries

Feeding of small sized catfishes in their earth ponds @ St Mosco Fisheries

Pumping of fresh water into an earth pond @ St Mosco Fisheries

Big sized catfishes swimming and drinking water in their earth pond St Mosco Fisheries

Harvesting of the bigger sized catfishes from their pond @ St Mosco Fisheries

Video of fingerlings @ St Mosco Fisheries

Harvesting of the big sized catfishes from their pond @ St Mosco Fisheries

Feeding of medium sized catfishes in their earth pond at St Mosco Feed Nation Fisheries

Video of fingerlings @ St Mosco Fisheries

Harvesting of big sized catfishes from their earth pond @ St Mosco Fisheries

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